A Goodlie Companye is pleased to present our first album, recorded live at one of our concerts.
- Sing We and Chant It
- O Occhi, Manza Mia
- Though My Carriage Be But Careless
- In These Delightful, Pleasant Groves
- If Ye Love Me, Keep My Commandments
- This Love Is But a Wanton Fit
- Ding, Dong! Merrily On High
- To Robin Redbreast
- E la Don, Don
- Suo Gan
- I Have Ere This Time
- Strike It Up, Tabor
- Full Fathom Five
- Poor Owen
- 'Tis Women Makes Us Love
- Never Weather-Beaten Sail
- Song of the Ship
- Since First I Saw Your Face
- Pastyme With Good Company
CDs cost $12 and can be purchased at any of our performances or ordered online. For delivery outside of the continental United States, please email us first to work out shipping details.